Here is a code

Wes Burke
  • Wes Burke replied
  • Nick Haskins replied


    class_name Action
    # Reference is the default type you extend in Godot, even if you omit this line.
    # Godot allocates and frees instances of a Reference from memory for you. extends Reference
    # Emitted when the action finished playing.
    signal finished
    var _data: ActionData
    var _actor
    var _targets := []
    # The constructor allows you to create actions from code like so:
    # var action :=, battler, targets)
    func _init(data: ActionData, actor, targets: Array) -> void:
    _data = data
    _actor = actor
    _targets = targets
  • Wes Burke replied
  • Wes Burke replied

    Nick, what do you think I'm doing wrong to have the code looking great, but when I hit save it disappears?